Friday, June 13, 2014

No More Commas

I've known a secret for almost two years now. I stumbled upon it sometime in 2012. It involved plane tickets, pictures and a trip that I was vaguely told about two months later. The person doesn't know that I know, but I know. The longer I keep this hidden, the angrier I get.

I'm guarded. VERY guarded. Over the years, I've been given more than enough reason to be. I don't like confrontation so often I walk away. That's probably not the best solution and I promise you it's not the easiest, but with my David Banner type personality most times I think it's best. 

My brother said something the other day that resonates in my mind. He said,
 "Don't put a comma in your life, where there's supposed to be a period."
That guy may be on to something. I've been holding back and sometimes
walking away from things saying that I'm cool with it, while it's still festering in the back of my mind. I need to bring closure and start fresh. The comma says "wait, there's more." The period says, "I'm done with this, right here."

Find where you've been putting the commas in your life and say, 
I'm done with this. Full Stop.
It's time to do that and move on.

Now about that secret I've been keeping...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Everything That is Me

I was looking at a social network site yesterday, following the comments of a particular post and I began to think. I found it funny that people assume that everything that you are can be defined by what you say online. I guess I've seen enough pretending and posturing online to never assume that what I see, is what people are.

The internet allows us to be flexible. Anyone that follows me could easily assume that I am certifiably crazy and that I'm typing from the nearest padded cell. But I'm not. As a matter of fact, I like to think that the world is my sanitarium. 

I see myself as an onion. Not that I have a strong odor. Even though after working out, I don't want anyone to come near me. I've taken a whiff of the guys at the gym on the day that their deodorant went on strike. So maybe an onion isn't a good word. I see myself as a birthday cake. Notice how my metaphors involve food? I'm hungry as I type this. I'm trying to say I have layers.

Anyway my point is to my friends I'm the confidant; to my family I'm tech support, the poet; to the online world I am too many things to list. I am a layered being of possibilities. What most people see is the end result of what is put into the mix. I guess I hope at some point someone will look past the icing and see everything that goes into me being me.