Monday, October 4, 2010


When I Think About It - I have to write it down.

That's a statement if ever there was one. I write, A LOT! I've got journals, legal pads, notebooks filled with my thoughts. Why am I publishing them now? Honestly I don't know. It's like when lighting strikes, no amount of scientific can explain it...IT JUST HAPPENS...

On these pages you will see my most intimate thoughts, my passions, my pains, my anger and my happiness. It's like I've opened the pages of my heart and unveiled them here. Grow with me and feel free to comment!

1 comment:

  1. there are so many things i wanna say, thoughts i wanna share but at times im not sure if i should because some of my thoughts run very dark. my life would sell itself if printed on pages..but the question is could people really handle something like that, something so honest and raw
