Monday, August 26, 2013

Regrets: I've had a few

Today I asked a question.
Have you ever regretted something you DID NOT say or do?
Truth is we probably all have. I've always been an entertainer. It's who I am. Some may say I like being the center of attention. Which could be true, I honestly don't, I'm too much of a homebody for that. But what I can say is that I love the feeling of creation and that's why I've always loved entertainment. Entertainers get to create a song, a movement, a character, a moment. I want to do that.

I think it's easy to dwell in the negativity of your regrets, but so much more fulfilling to take those regrets and make them motivation. Sometimes as I reflect I think about what I should have done, how I listened to people that couldn't see past their own situations. How my life may have been better if I had done it my way.

I spoke with someone this weekend that expressed how tired they were. She was telling me that she needed a break, a change. As I listened I reflected on when I used to feel that way and I understood more than she'll ever know. So I allowed her to talk and then I said, "My only suggestion is that you don't let those past experiences prohibit your future possibilities."

Don't allow regret to hold on too tight. Today look back one last time and say, "I'm moving on."

Friday, August 2, 2013

Will You Remember Me? Thanks For The Memories,

As I read social media posts and interact with people on a daily basis. I think about how to be remembered. I've had people that follow me on social media outlets because they say, anything is likely to pop up. They claim that I have an interesting outlook on life. That maybe true. I tell people that one thing they have to remember about me is that I'm honest. Say what you will, I'm going to express it how I see it.

This week has been about memories... To everyone that wrote and told me how this week helped you, it helped me too.

Thank you! I will remember.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Will You Remember Me - Vera

My paternal grandmother was the best grandma in the world (to me). She was straight talking and plain speaking. I miss her often. Every Sunday afternoon we'd go to her house for treats and if we didn't get them, she'd get upset with my Father.

She used to make a hot lunch for my dad every Wednesday and he would go to sit with her while they caught up. One Wednesday, either my dad forgot or was late going for lunch, my grandmother walked to his store, threw the packed lunch on the table and started walking back home. My father then got in the car and tried to coax her into the vehicle so he could carry her home. Long story short, my dad ended up driving alongside until she got to her house, where she went inside, slammed the door and locked him out.

She was a small framed, short tempered woman that raised her six children on her own after her husband died while the was young (late twenties I think). A strong woman that once said, when asked if she would marry again, "No other man is going to raise E____ children". She was stubborn. She was a seamstress/shopkeeper that still got home in time to make meals for her family. Even though it wasn't much, they were fed and educated and raised.

Once my parents when to a funeral and left us at her house. She said, "When mother and father forsake you, your old grandmother will take you up". I think about that to this day. It was funny the way she said it but also the best thing anyone could say. She was saying she was there.

I smile when I think about her. And I wonder what kind of legacy I'll leave and if anyone will remember.