Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Expectations

So now I understand. To expect is to believe
To have the unmistakable, undeniable knowledge
That in the end what my heart wants,
what my head knows
Is what I shall have

I understand that the fight I'm in, I'm not alone
I've been set up from day one to fight this
And when it's over I stand as winner
I feel this in my body
that I have what I need

So I must hold on, believe the dream is
Know the now is not meant for later it simply is
I must hold on to what believe
to what I feel in my bones
Is my expected end

1 comment:

  1. I like that, very poetic! I agree.

    What's good for u now may not always fit your life later. So, living in the moment while hooping for a bright future is best. If your heart & mind seem to agree, it's probably the right way to go...just as long as ur conscience doesn't tell you somethin different.

