Meet Me Online

When 2014 rolled in I didn't make any resolutions. A few weeks before the new year I'd gotten back into the gym. So the weight loss resolution was out. I'd also started a money management plan; didn't have to worry about that. Some time in September of last year though, I did say I was going to start dating again.

Enter January. I still hadn't really started. The problem was, I felt a little confined with my dating pool. There weren't many choices on my end.

Someone suggested an online dating site. I thought about it. Now bear in mind, I come from a very conservative family. A family that still believes in the old fashioned ways of dating. You meet someone at church or some other community social and find out about their parents and their high school and all the other things that you may have in common.

That wasn't working for me. I wasn't meeting anyone. I needed to broaden my horizons. Maybe the internet dating site could work. My only reservation was that if I told anyone I may seem desperate. Or maybe that was my taught conservatism talking.

I decided that I'm going to take the plunge. Desperate or not, I think it will be a fun ride. Who's with me?

Adventures In Online Dating

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