Friday, September 27, 2013

Ladies... Really.

As promised I decided to dedicate a whole post to one type of internet crazy. Sorry if I'm not PC about it, but it's ridiculous. I've been following this story for a few months now and all I can say is that the internet is better than any soap opera you could ever imagine.

I have this person that I follow on one of my networks and I actually look forward to watching their breakdowns daily. From what I've gleaned this woman is having relationship issues. And depending on the day and how she feels, she'll submit for the viewing public a veiled list of grievances. Sometimes it's poetry, sometimes it's just a quick sentence but most days it's a dissertation.

Now I love to read, especially if it makes me laugh, hysterically. Her updates do the trick. I actually go back to the ones I find most hilarious. From what I've gathered, her guy cheated on her (mind you I could be wrong but not likely). Her updates are filled with phrases like, "out in the streets", "stand with the woman you married" "trust" "ultimate deception". Perhaps I'm reading too much into it.

Back to the story. I'm sure I'm not the only person that awaits her drama daily. But what gets me is the blatant egging on that she gets. People are encouraging her to self destruct for the online audience and she is clueless. She's visibly changed from single to married to in a relationship to divorced to interested in men only to whatever she is this week. Hold on let me check......

Okay she's in a relationship again.

Here's my final thought on this. You don't have to live out your life on the internet. This public diary policy we've adopted isn't cute. As a matter of fact it isn't healthy. Especially when all you project is anger and hate. But it's really your page, your life, your freedom. Just don't get upset when I use it all for my blog!

Talk to you guys next time.

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